Made easy


Complete application documents as a matter of course today.

Apply by e-mail:

or directly online via our job advertisements with the link “Online application”.

If you have any questions regarding your application or your position, please call us or send us an e-mail. You will find us as your contact under Contact.

Your further development

The technologies of our time are developing rapidly. It is necessary to always be up to date with regard to technology, systems, software, updates, etc.,.

We will help you.

Arguments for us:

Profit from the extensive market knowledge of de engineering gmbh. We fill interesting positions in projects even before they are advertised in the public media.


Profit from the extensivemarket knowledge of de engineering gmbh. We fill interesting positions in projects even before they are advertised in the public media.


Enjoy the advantages of our very personally managed company, pleasant working atmosphere, individual support, close contact to the company and multiple projects going on in parallel in the industry.

Know how

Gain versatile professional experience at de engineering gmbh without having to change employers to get exposure to multiple technologies.


You achieve security in your professional life through your personal competence and performance. We further develop our employees in coordination with our customers and their projects.

Happy Clients

Million Users

National Awards


Plan for a better Future

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71% Increase in Return Users


50% Increase IN Sales

Our Specialties

  • Financial
  • Product Design
  • Social Media
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The Numbers

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Happy Clients

Million Users

National Awards



de engineering gmbh

Am Kümmerling 21-25
55294 Bodenheim, Germany


+49 6135-93237-0
+49 6135-93237-29